Friday, May 31, 2019


Did I think April was a whirlwind? WELCOME TO MAY, SON. This month I worked. And worked. And worked more. So this month I'm starting with....

Something I did (at work!): I did 10 school visits this month promoting Summer Reading. I also made a few videos about SRP and shared them with other schools in our area to play during their morning announcements. I went to a city council meeting and got approval for the library to use the city park twice during Summer Reading. I recruited volunteers for our kickoff party and other SRP events. I finalized my part of our proposed budget for the next fiscal year. I covered Preschool Storytime to give our regular Storytime provider the month off. I'm honestly really, really, proud of some of the things we did in ST, but those will have to make it into their own post sometime! I finished up the last few weeks with my Young Scholars. I decided to interfile all our Nonfiction, Graphic Novel, and Biography sections (because I had plenty of time...). And I helped move furniture, books, shelves, carts, and more furniture all over the library. In the past week my desk has been in four different locations. But we are making it work! And our new shelving has arrived! And the expansion/renovation should be done soon! This is the home stretch, and will be well worth the exhaustion.

Something I watched/listened to: I've basically just been coming home to crash on the couch, so I watched lots of TV this month! Y'all: go watch Dead to Me on Netflix. It has everything I like in a show: suspense, murder, female friendship, dry/dark humor... what more do you want?! Also, you know how you can just tell when a show is created/written by women, because the female characters seem so real, like you know them? That's Dead to Me.

Something I read: Okay, there's a lovely new little book of essays called The Anna Karenina Fix; it's by Viv Groskop and holds wonderful reflections on major Russian classics, complete with wit and personal anecdotes. Jojo told me about it, which inspired me to get it from the library and I loved it! I'm also inspired to read more Russian literature and have now checked out some of Anna Akhmatova's poetry (Groskop calls her the Russian Virginia Woolf, so I am hopeful...). For those wondering, no, I did not read any more of my own books, but yes, I may next month (should it count if it's a re-read?).

Something I cooked: hey remember when I said I was really busy working this month? I honestly have no idea what I ate. Probably sandwiches. I heated up a frozen lasagna last night?

Something I did (at home!): I'm honestly just really proud of this tweet.

Only two weeks until Summer Reading begins!

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